

This site shows Engrish which means wrong English written in Japanese advertisement. You can find Engrish not only on signboards, but also in lyrics. I think this site is interesting because we can find out that English used in daily life in Japan is how strange for English native speakers. The writer makes comments to each Engrish.
Let's check it!

This video clip is funny moments from my favorite music group, IL DIVO. They are performing at some live concerts. Sebastian, a Frenchman, makes many funny mistakes such as forgetting their lyrics, doing the wrong actions. Urs, a Swiss, surprises David, an American. Carlos, from Spain, steals a line from Sebastian. This movie is funny because we can see these funny things only at their live concerts.
Funny IL DIVO!

This site is written by a team of University of Maryland School of Medicine researchers. They have been searching how laughter protects you from heart attack. You can also find many doctors.
Please click this to get more information: Laughter Is The Best Medicine

This site shows about the United States Military Jokes and Humors including Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. You can see real memo, left by a solider, for example. If you want to see them,visit This Site.

3 件のコメント:

moyon さんのコメント...

Your blog is very good! It's very useful for me. "Engrish" is very interesting. I learn about the mistake. I think if you use more color, it'll become better.

ayaka さんのコメント...

Your blog is easi to see☆
I think that it is common that laugh is good for health.
Engrish site is very good for our study of English. Our daily life is fulled of Engrish!!

FAB さんのコメント...

Yor like IL DIVO!
I think they are great artists.
These interesting web site that you find, it's great!
I enjoyed to seeing it.
I know "engrish" site. It's really interesting and I sometimes check it.